In 2017 I imported a pair of blue partridge brahma from the U.S. I had never kept any brahma before but I was just so taken by the beauty of these majestic birds. Years later and I am absolutely hooked. Such gorgeous calm friendly birds that are absolutely made for our cold climate. I keep mine in an insulated but unheated coop and they just do amazing. Small combs and feathered feet equip them for even the coldest temperatures. I think what surprised me the most is what great layers of large eggs they are. Much better production than most dual purpose. They can go broody but make excellent moms. This breed is of the BBS (blue black splash) variety meaning they will produce three different colour offspring. The pen consists of all three colour hens covered by a blue and a gold cockerel. This ensures possibility of all three colours in a hatch. Refer to the chart to know what you will achieve when breeding certain colours.
PRICING: $8 per EGG, $90 DOZEN $15 CHICK (unsexed)