The Chocolate Laced are some of the most beautiful chickens I’ve ever seen. From the moment I first saw a picture of them I knew I had to create some for myself. I started in 2016. The original crossing was a chocolate orpington over silver laced hens. From there I saved my best cockerel and put him over some of his siblings and some silver laced hens. From the initial crossing I hatched both chocolate gold laced and chocolate silver laced. From here I separated the two colours into their own breeding groups. After that it was a matter of hatching a lot of chicks and saving the best looking offspring. Still a work in progress so not every chick is perfect but I am very happy with the direction they are headed. I no longer keep the chocolate gold laced so the only ones available will be the chocolate silver laced. Due to the unpredictable laying schedule of this breed I will only be offering chicks for sale. No eggs at this time.